Statistics (December 31, 2004)

Archived Content

Activity Summary - January 1 to December 31, 2004

Subject Matter Proceedings
Applications for leave granted
Admiralty 257 281 384 N/A
Aboriginal Law 38 81 267 N/A
Income Tax 3 4 12 N/A
Prairie Grain Advance Payments 34 55 48 N/A
Other Crown 279 256 524 N/A
Total Crown Litigation 316 315 584 N/A
Judicial Review 719 752 797 N/A
Patented Medicines Regulations 52 53 63 N/A
Copyright 110 104 178 N/A
Patents 79 81 193 N/A
Trademarks 283 310 363 N/A
Industrial Design 9 13 7 N/A
Total Intellectual Property 481 508 741 N/A
Access to Information/ Privacy 45 54 56 N/A
Citizenship 66 45 55 N/A
Other Statutory Appeals/ Applns 4 3 14  
Total Statutory Appeals/Applns 115 102 125 N/A
Total (Non-Immigration) 1978 2092 2961 N/A
Immigration Appl. for Leave and Judicial Review: Refugee 9104 9570 2676 1116
Immigration Appl. for leave and Judicial Review: Non-Refugee 1541 1620 742 349
Total Immigration Application for Leave and Judicial Review 10645 11190 3418 1465
Immigration Non-Leave: Applications (Visa Officers) 0 38 23 N/A
Immigration Non-Leave: Other 6 6 21 N/A
Total Immigration Non-Leave 6 44 44 N/A
Total Immigration 10651 11234 3462 1465
TOTAL FEDERAL COURT 12629 13326 6423 1465

Date modified: 2019-04-14

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