Statistics (March 31, 2009)

Archived Content

Activity Summary
January 1st to march 30 2009

Subject Matter Proceedings
for leave
Admiralty 35 38 283 N/A
Aboriginal Law 10 11 247 N/A
  Income Tax 1 0 4 N/A
  Prairie Grain Advance Payments 1 5 20 N/A
  Other Crown 74 33 557 N/A
Total Crown Litigation 76 38 581 N/A
Judicial Review 126 110 680 N/A
Patented Medicines Regulations 14 24 82 N/A
  Copyright 26 24 152 N/A
  Patents 14 22 204 N/A
  Trademarks 47 65 327 N/A
  Industrial Design 0 0 14 N/A
Total Intellectual Property 87 111 697 N/A
  Access to Information/ Privacy 18 14 41 N/A
  Citizenship 18 17 84 N/A
  Other Statutory Appeals/ Applns 0 0 4 N/A
Total Statutory Appeals/Applns 36 31 129 N/A
Total (Non-Immigration) 384 363 2699 N/A
  Immigration Appl. for leave: Refugee 1043 835 1555


  Immigration Appl. for leave: Non-Refugee 541 516 903 99
Total Immigration Application for Leave and for Judicial Review 1584 1351 2458 226
  Immigration Non-Leave: Applications (Visa Officers) 0 0 0 N/A
  Immigration Non-Leave: Other 0 0 6 N/A
Total Immigration Non-Leave 0 0 6 N/A
Total Immigration 1584 1351 2464 226
TOTAL FEDERAL COURT 1968 1714 5163 226

Date modified: 2019-04-14

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