Statistics (September 30, 2003)

Archived Content

Activity Summary January 1 to September 30, 2003

Subject Matter Proceedings
Admiralty 215 194 412
Aboriginal Law 25 54 306
Income Tax 3 3 11
Prairie Grain Advance Payments 59 43 74
Other Crown 209 233 444
Total Crown Litigation 271 279 529
Judicial Review 419 366 812
Patented Medicines Regulations 29 25 64
Copyright 90 97 176
Patents 54 56 208
Trademarks 185 250 380
Industrial Design 7 3 9
Total Intellectual Property 336 406 703
Access to Information/ Privacy 31 55 72
Citizenship 22 56 41
Other Statutory Appeals/ Applns 1 2 4
Total Statutory Appeals/Applns 54 113 117
Total (Non-Immigration) 1349 1437 3013
Immigration Appl. for leave: Refugee 6374 5149 3324
Immigration Appl. for leave: Non-Refugee 1231 1002 774
Total Immigration Application for Leave and for Judicial Review 7605 6151 4098
Immigration Non-Leave: Applications (Visa Officers) - 363 84
Immigration Non-Leave: Other 21 13 14
Total Immigration Non-Leave 21 376 98
Total Immigration 7626 6527 4196
TOTAL FEDERAL COURT 8975 7964 7209


Date modified: 2019-04-14

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