Statistics (September 30, 2010)

Archived Content

Activity Summary
January 1st to September 30 2010

Subject Matter Proceedings
Total Dispositions Pending
Applications for leave granted
Admiralty 155 145 280 N/A
Aboriginal Law 20 44 210 N/A
Income Tax 0 1 1 N/A
Prairie Grain Advance Payments 17 9 21 N/A
Other Crown 135 396 280 N/A
Total Crown Litigation 152 406 302 N/A
Judicial Review 444 442 680 N/A
Patented Medicines Regulations 46 50 65 N/A
Copyright 62 71 156 N/A
Patents 56 77 177 N/A
Trademarks 150 167 305 N/A
Industrial Design 0 5 5 N/A
Total Intellectual Property 268 320 643 N/A
Access to Information/ Privacy 40 34 50 N/A
Citizenship 73 61 68 N/A
Other Statutory Appeals/ Applications 2 1 10 N/A
Total Statutory Appeals/Applications 115 96 128 N/A
Total (Non-Immigration) 1200 1503 2308 N/A
Immigration Appl. for Leave and Judicial Review: Refugee 3920 3711 1818 498
Immigration Appl. for leave and Judicial Review: Non-Refugee 1773 1675 990 364
Total Immigration Application for Leave and Judicial Review 5693 5386 2808 862
Immigration Non-Leave: Applications (Visa Officers) 0 0 0 N/A
Immigration Non-Leave: Other 0 2 5 N/A
Total Immigration Non-Leave 0 2 5 N/A
Total Immigration 5693 5388 2813 862
TOTAL FEDERAL COURT 6893 6891 5121 862

Date modified: 2019-04-14

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